

Star Ruby - Eternal Gemstone

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What are Star Rubies?
Star Rubies are a rare variety of the gemstone Ruby. These magnificent gems display a sharp six-rayed star which seems to glide and shimmer magically across the surface of the gem when the latter is moved. This is caused due to an optical phenomenon known as "Asterism". The star is best visible when the star ruby is seen in a single light source such as sunlight and spotlight.

What causes the Star-Effect?
Star-effect or "asterism" is caused by the dense inclusions of tiny fibers of rutile (also known as "silk"). The stars are caused by the light reflecting from needle-like inclusions of rutile aligned perpendicular to the rays of the star. However, since rutile is always present in star rubies, they are never completely transparent. In fact, star ruby is one of those few gemstones which actually require inclusions (i.e. rutile).

Are Star Rubies rare?
Today, out of every 100 rough corundum (ruby and sapphire) mined; only three will have stars apparent after being cut into cabochons. Out of these three, one will have a poor color but a good star; one will have a poor star but a good color and only one out of hundred will have both a good star and a good color!
Most original sources of star rubies such as Mogok (Burma) have run out of supplies. Worldwide production today is yielding a very small quantity of fine stars (especially in sizes above 5 carats). Star rubies are becoming rare as most rough today is cut into faceted stones after heating instead of being cut into cabochons to display the star.

Star Ruby Myths and Legends:
Traditionally, star rubies were worn by knights in the battlefields to protect themselves from the enemy. Local tales in Karnataka (India) say that if it is worn as a visible pendant or as a headgear then anyone who faces you as an enemy looses half his valour. The power of star ruby is said to be the highest during full moon.
Star Ruby is said to pep up internal strength, ward off tensions, distress the mind and drive away stress related problems like migraine, insomnia, and hysteria. The healing powers of gemstones remain a controversial issue, but are mentioned since ages by healers, shamans and medicine men. Whether it's a fact or a placebo effect doesn't matter, if it helps.

Famous Star Rubies:
The Delong Star Ruby resides in the Natural History Museum in New York City. It weighs 100.32 carats. Discovered in Burma during the early part of the twentieth century, it was sold by Martin Ehrmann to Edith Haggin DeLong, who donated it to the museum. In 1964 the Delong Star Ruby was the object of an infamous burglary, carried out by Jack Murphy, known as Murph the Surf, and two other men. It was then ransomed and recovered. The Delong Star was found at a designated drop off site - a phone booth in Florida.
The Rosser Reeves Ruby is one of the world's largest and finest star rubies. Weighing 138.7 carats, it is not only clearer and more translucent that the Delong Star, but also possesses a sharp six-rayed star. This Sri Lankan stone is renowned for its great color and well-defined star pattern. Advertising mogul Rosser Reeves, who donated the piece to the Smithsonian in 1965, carried it around as a lucky stone, referring to it as his baby. He often stated that he had acquired the stone at an auction in Istanbul in the mid-1950s. He actually bought the stone from Robert C. Nelson Jr. of New York who was acting on behalf of Firestone & Parson of Boston. Firestone & Parson were selling the stone for Mr. Paul Fisher of New York. Mr. Robert Fisher, Paul's father, had bought the ruby at an auction in London in 1953. At the time the ruby then weighed just over 140 carats, but was very heavily scratched, and a few carats were removed in the repolishing. The repolishing also helped to center the stone's star. Articles in the New York World-Telegram and the Sun in 1953 mentioned this fabulous gemstone.

Zodiac / Birthstone Information:
Ruby is the birthstone for July, and the Capricorn zodiac sign. The top quality of ruby is Star Ruby. Ruby is also used to celebrate a couple's 15th and 40th anniversaries.

What to Look for while buying a Star Ruby:
The value of Star rubies is basically influenced by two things: (a) The strength and sharpness of the star, (b) Intensity and attractiveness of body colour.

Sharpness of the Star: The star should be sharp and silvery / milky white. The best way to test the sharpness of the star is to look at the star ruby in sunlight with the dome facing the sun. All six prongs should be straight and equally prominent. The complete star should be centered in the middle of the gem, but should also be able to glide effortlessly around the cabochon.

Colour of the gemstone: Generally rubies are red. But star ruby is usually not red. Most star rubies are available in pinkish-red, purplish-red or purplish-brown colour. Red Rubies with a perfect star are very very rare and may cost a fortune.

Cutting: Cutting is very important to exhibit the star effect in ruby. They need to be cut into medium to high, domed cabochons to get the perfect star effect. The cabochons must be round or oval-shaped. The stone should not be too flat on the top or too heavy on the bottom. Many bottoms of stars are kept unpolished so that the light is trapped inside the gemstone.

Caring about your star ruby:
Though there are very few chemicals that attack Star Rubies, it is best to clean your star ruby with warm soap water and a toothbrush. Cleaning your Star Ruby in Ultrasonic cleaners is not recommended.

Treatments & Synthetics:
Genuine Star Rubies are usually not heat treated because heating can dissolve the rutile (silk) which causes the star to form in the first place.
Beware of Synthetic (Lab-made) Star Rubies! Synthetic star rubies jump out as way too perfect looking, i.e. a perfect star, a super clean stone, and great color. In natural star rubies the distribution of colour is often uneven, in stripes and spots - which is the best way to judge with the naked eye whether the star ruby is natural or synthetic. However, sometimes it may be a tough task to distinguish between natural and synthetic gems and if you run into any such stone, be sure to ask for a Reputed Gem Laboratory certificate from the seller. No doubt synthetic star rubies are much cheaper than natural ones, but they may offer little or no resale value.

Advise on Star Ruby Jewellery:
Star Rubies are available in all forms of jewellery. However, Star Ruby Rings and Pendants are usually preferred. To maximize its astrological and healing effects, it is advised that the gemstone should be mounted in jewellery in such a way that the bottom of the stone touches to skin. Star Ruby can also be kept as a loose gemstone. Rubies look best in Yellow Gold Jewellery, though it really depends on the choice of the wearer.

To conclude, if you are looking out for a gemstone, but not sure which one to buy, search no more, get yourself this mystical gem! Send this page to:

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Author: Harshil Zaveri
For more information on Star Rubies, visit The Star Ruby Shop at

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How to Choose the Perfect Ring

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Choosing a ring

When it comes to choosing our own jewelry we can be very picky as well as we can be very impulsive buyers. I would like to give you some advice about choosing your rings. When I help out my customers in person I get to really direct them into jewelry that fits for them individually. What I mean by that, is that many people only look at the jewelry without taking in consideration their hands, fingers & comfort. When choosing a ring of course we want the ring to look good but will it look good on our specific type of hands? It's just like clothing, it may look great on the models but maybe not so much on you. Look at your hands, are they wide or narrow, are your fingers short, long, thin...

If you have big hands you must get a solid ring because chances are your hands are strong & you use them accordingly & you don't want the band to brake. Also don't choose something too tiny it will look out of proportions. Wide bands can fit you but not too wide, go for about half an inch wide. You are one of the lucky people who can wear very large stones
so don't miss out on that!

If you have small thin hands you probably already know that rings which are too massive & heavy aren't meant for you. Go for filigree or Celtic designs they will be much more comfortable & will suit you best. Wide bands can suit you as long as they are not too wide & keeps you from closing your hands completely so if you buy online & don't get to actually try it on before buying verify the width.

Wide bands are very hot right now, but they aren't meant for everyone. Long slim fingers suit them best. Actually most rings will suit you best but not too narrow, stick with about a quarter inch and more width in the front.

Short chubby fingers sorry for you but you should avoid wide bands, you wont be comfortable & it will end up in a jewelry box. If you have short fingers choose a thinner band with the front part small to medium size. If you really want to go with a wide band well choose one that tapers down in the back to about a quarter of an inch or less. Try a colorful stone that will catch the eye or maybe a cameo ring.

I hope this advice will help you find rings that better suit you & that it will have you purchase the right ones. After all when we love a ring, that it looks great on your hand & it is comfortable it often ends up being a real treasure.

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Silversmithing artist Blue Crockatt invites you to see her latest handmade jewelry at

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How to Pick Romantic Personalized Jewelry

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Looking for a great romantic present for your wife, girlfriend or fiance? We recommend personalized jewelry - personalized jewelry is a very romantic gift and it could be personalized with different things, such as a name or the first initial. Your gift recipient knows how special she is, because the gift with her name or initial on it is just for them.

We have put together these tips to help you find a perfect piece of personalized jewelry for that special woman in your life. Here are our tips to help you find that perfect personalized jewelry:

Personalized Rings
Personalized rings make great gifts. You may personalized a ring with different things. Personalized couples rings may include first initials or birthstones of both people in a couple.

Or, personalize that ring just for her - there are many possibilities. Rings personalized with a birthstone are great, so are initials rings (a ring personalized with her first initial), or name rings, rings with her name on it.

Personalized Necklaces and Pendants
Personalized necklaces are very popular; necklaces personalized with a first name of the wearer used to be all the rage a few years ago, and they are still pretty popular.

There are many different personalizations to choose from. You may pick for the name to be written in regular letters or script letters, and you may pick a birthstone to be added to the necklace. Personalized necklaces and pendants come in many different looks and concepts. Take a look at a few different ones, and pick the one that reflects the style of the woman you love.

Personalized Bracelets
Personalized Bracelets are also very popular, and there are many to choose from. Some bracelets are personalized with the recipient's name. Others may be personalized with both of your names. Yet, others may have her birthstone or a few of her birthstones on it, making it one of a kind bracelet just for her.

Next time when you are looking for a romantic gift for the one you love, get her a personalized piece of jewelry. You will be glad you did - she will love it!

Author Bio is a web site about online shopping and the latest styles of jewelry, clothing and shoes. Visit Personalized Jewelry Guide for information on buying personalized jewelry.

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Irish Wedding Rings

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There are a number of Irish Wedding Rings that include Spirals, Triskeles, and Triquetas, Shield Knots and Sun Symbols. The most popular ring by far is the Irish Claddagh and it is surrounded by a romantic legend.

The Claddagh is as was said, the most popular in Ireland. The ring symbolizes love, friendship , and loyalty. The ring is named for an Irish fishing village. The design of the Claddagh is constructed of two hands holding a heart with a crown on top of it. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty.

Various traditions give different meanings to the ring depending on how it is worn. As a wedding ring it is worn on the left hand with the heart pointing inward to the wrist. As an engagement ring it is on the right hand with the heart pointing inward toward the wrist. For friendship it is worn on the right hand turned outward.

The legend of the Claddagh begins when a fisherman Richard Joyce and other crew members were captured by pirates shortly before Joyce was to be married. He was sold into slavery in Algiers and made the property of a goldsmith who taught him the craft of goldsmith. Joyce became the master of the craft. With is beloved back in Claddagh on his mind he fashioned the first Claddagh ring. The hands were to represent friendship, the heart was love, and the crown represented loyalty and fidelity.

In 1698 King Georges III agreed to free all of his subjects. Richard Joyce was once again free. His slave master offered Joyce his daughter in marriage and half of his wealth if he would stay in Algiers. Joyce refused the offer and instead returned home to Claddagh where he found his love waiting for him. Neither of them had married. Upon discovering this, Joyce gave his love the ring and they were married shortly thereafter.

The ring was dubbed The Claddagh because of the village Joyce and his Bride were from. There were others who made the ring much later and added jewels and an intricate crown design. The basic hands holding a crowned heart has never changed. Joyce wanted something that would his love for his Beloved.

The Claddagh today is as popular as it ever was. The basic design of the ring has not changed but now there is more intricacies in the crown, gemstones or jewels can be used to fashion the heart, and the hands are simply hands. The ring can be made of silver, gold or basically any metal.

The design is the clasped hands of the 'fede' or faith rings. These rings date from Roman times and were popular in the Middle Ages. The ring is worn now by many to speak to their Irish heritage. The Claddagh tells the story of two lovers who are separated and yet their love and commitment withstood the passage of time. It's simple design and my heritage influenced my decision to purchase a Claddagh.

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Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of products which includes Wedding Ring and and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

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College Class Rings

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Since the times when rings were created, people have worn them for a great variety of reasons; they have been symbols of different events, things and feelings. The college class ring stands for one's unique accomplishment during university years and embodies a lifelong connection between a person, their classmates and university.

College rings have a long and rich tradition. They first appeared 150 years ago and were worn by the cadets of the U.S. Military Academy. These first college rings had a very strange design: a book with a sword driven through it, showing the class' contempt (this emblem was first used by Voltaire to express his hostility to the Bible). Later these rings were replaced by gold signet ones with the years of graduation and school insignia engraved. During the World War II college rings came into fashion all over the country and were worn by trendies from different American colleges. There also appeared a custom among students, who went out together, to exchange their rings (he put it on a finger, while she wore it around a neck). After the War most American universities picked up this tradition, what reinforced it and made it an American cultural mainstay.

Nowadays, being all the rage, college class rings are available in a great variety of designs and styles, s o you are sure to find a ring to your liking. You may choose an intricate and elaborate an elegant and handcrafted, or even an avant-garde ring either with a small, delicate stone or with a huge, shimmering gem . Besides, you may select from precious and non-precious metals. The most common of them are platinum, yellow or white gold, silver or lustrium. As regards metal finish some graduatesfavor Antique Finish (it shows the contrast between the fine detail of your ring and a dark background); others prefer Natural Finish (it accentuates the glint of your gold ring).

On the whole, college rings are divided into traditional, signet and fashion rings. Though regardless of the style, they all are usually studded with artificial or g enuine stones, and those can be ofa Facet or Smooth cut.

Depending on the gem and the cut you've chosen, there are various stone effects available. Encrusting rings are those with a symbol or a personal letter inscribed withgold, which is deeply embedded into your stone. It looks better on dark and only smooth gems. Encrusting can't be used with other effects such as Sundance or Astralight. Astralightrings give the illusion of a rainbow beneath the stone, while Sundance ringsgive the illusion of rays. The both latter effects can be found both on smooth and faceted gems.

You may also create a unique college class ring by engraving your personal information into the inside of it. The most common inscriptions are graduation year, degree, initials or full name. There are also Curriculum Panels available, which includes symbols of your curriculum or major.
There is a great variety of college class ring styles and designs on the market. You will definitely pick out a ring that will be an extension of who you are; a ring, that will express your individuality and reflect your personal features, and at the same time embodies the traditions and symbols of your university, making your experience last forever.

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This article submitted by Mike Daniels, the jewelry industry specialist -

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Unique Handmade Jewelry

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Handmade Jewelry

In our modern society it's so common to go for that perfect ring which was molded by machines. But more and more people are turning to handmade jewelry. There are many good reasons for that. Mostly people don't want to wear the same ring as millions of others. Makes it a lot less sentimental & valuable when you get to run into other women with the exact same ring all the time. Handmade jewelry may have small imperfections some times but it does prove that it was really handmade & unique.

Handmade jewelry is often personnalized to suit perfectly the person who wear it. Adding a small detail to it like a small cat face or frog or some fetish to it can often make it your #1 jewelry piece. Often you can choose your gemstone yourself within a selection. Most people choose either their birthstone or their favorite color. Also you can add initials or words... The plus side is that it makes no sense to steal it unless the person has the exact same initials. Also if you ever find somebody wearing your unique ring, you know it's yours & you can claim it back easyer.

Seems like so many people want the exact replica of their favorite star. But stars also turn to handmade jewelry. Conforming to the style of non-conformists is sometimes pretty hard. While jewelry makers can reproduce anything you should consider something similar in style but unique itself too.

The best thing about handmade jewelry is that anything is possible! The sky is truely the limit & as long as you know what you want you can get it! I truely hope more people will turn to unique jewelry & stop buying massively produced jewelry. We are not clones each of us is truely unique & we should not forget that.

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It would be my pleasure to make you your unique piece of jewelry too. Take a look at my gallery & let me know what you would like!
Silversmithing artist Blue Crockatt invites you to see her latest handmade jewelry at

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Bridal Jewelry - The Icing On The Cake

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You have your dress, you've got your shoes, your hair style picked out; but you still need to "finish your look" for the big day. That is where your bridal jewelry comes in.

It used to be that pearls, which are wonderful for weddings and brides, were the only jewelry that brides wore. Now with the internet and the growing bridal jewelry businesses out there, your choices have become limitless.

Are you looking for some sparkle, or something simple and elegant? Search the internet for bridal jewelry and you will find a wide variety of resources out there to suit your specific needs. Boring bridal jewelry is a thing of the past. All brides want to feel and look beautiful on their wedding day, and not just look like every other bride they've seen before. This is where your bridal jewelry will make the difference. Find pieces of jewelry that "speak to you", that fit your color or theme for the special day. In many cases, bridal jewelry makers will create a custom piece for you that is special and unique.

When choosing your bridal jewelry, look for some parallel between your wedding gown or style of shoes and other accessories. This will help you pull your look together when making your selection. Many times, you will be able to find on various bridal jewelry websites, tiaras, headbands, hairpins and combs that will pair up or match bridal necklaces, bridal earrings and bridal bracelets. Consistency and a common look and feel through out your bridal accessories is key to not looking "patched" together.

This is your day, make the best of it, feel beautiful and find the bridal jewelry that is right for you. Feeling comfortable with how you look is all part of feeling beautiful. If you want to be a unique bride that looks gorgeous on your wedding day, search for the bridal jewelry that will compliment your attire. You will be beautiful, your bridal jewelry will enhance that.

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The Story Of The Black Pearls

Though the authentic black pearls are simply fascinating gemstones, many are not quite knowledgeable with the geographical source and origin of these alluring stones. According to experts and available documents, these precious gems are confined to the South Pacific Ocean, bordering South Sea Islands. A particular breed of oyster, termed “black lipped oyster”, nurtures the black pearls and Tahiti region is primarily the abode of such species. The Mexican coast is another predominant zone where such black pearls originate.

The pearls are noteworthy for their variety of coloration, especially the dark shades ranging from black to greenish black. The popularity of these stones, as a royal gemstone, emerged when the fashionable Empress Eugenie of France in the 19th century, at the height of her power, flaunted a magnificent necklace comprising of these pearls. It caught the attention of the people as well as history!

There are many myths surrounding the black pearls that attribute countless powers to this gemstone, prominent ones varying from being a healer, a cupid and even a gift of God. An interesting case being these rare black Tahitian pearls are considered by many to be a symbol of hope for the wounded hearts! In ancient times, the Tahitian black pearl adorned the royalty, their ministers, the socially powerful, high priests and politicians of both genders. Even today, this trend continues, additionally being emphasized by the high demand for Tahitian black pearl jewelry amongst women.

The story of black pearls is incomplete without referring to a Tahitian legend. According to folklore, Oro, the God of the Heavens, became smitten with Uaro, the stunningly beautiful spirit of the sandy beaches. He presented her a giant black pearl that reflected the vivid hues of rainbow. This, in turn, was gifted to their daughter, Teufi. She was equally gorgeous as her mother and, on reaching marriageable age, was pursued by many suitors. However, Teufi proposed to choose a man who could gift her any black pearl as magnificent and matching as her mother’s present.

The task was extremely difficult and many suitors hesitated at the possibility. However, an island based twin-brothers were successful, who, after a very hazardous journey in their search for the black pearl in South Sea Islands, discovered the gemstone that matched the luminosity and allure of the original gift. Upon achieving the goal, and as per the peculiar condition, one of the twins married Teufi. Unfortunately, the joy of their conjugal union was short-lived as the groom died soon following their marriage. After a prolonged period of mourning and adhering to the prevailing tradition, the surviving brother became honor-bound to marry Tuefi. Though the subsequent wedding was celebrated with great pomp and splendor, the festivities never paralleled the grandeur of the original black pearl.

Similar folklore emerged from Mexico, another geographical source of the black pearl, as well. One of the most famous stories focuses on a sixteen-year old lad named Ram?n Salazar, who lived in Baja California, Mexico, with his family. His father, Blas Salazar, was a prominent pearl dealer and a famous figure of that region. The senior Salazar decided one day to bring his son into confidence by make him a business partner. That day was the happiest moment for Ramon Salazar. However, this event created immense jealousy in “Sevillano”, his father’s best diver. Sevillano always taunted Ramon for his inability to swim and demanded from him a large pearl that would earn him respect as a diver.

Unable to withstand the humiliation and to achieve this feat, Ramon learnt diving from an Indian friend named Soto Luzon. He took lessons in a lagoon where the notorious water-beast, Manta Diablo, lived. After numerous diving practices, Ramon successfully acquired one of the largest pearls from the lagoon. However, Soto Luzon warned Ramon that it belonged to Manta Diablo and should be returned to him. In the meantime, the discovery of the black pearl brought immense excitement and hopes of attaining monetary affluence in Ramon’s family.

After countless effort, Ramon’s father finally realized that the pearl could not be sold and decided to gift the gemstone to the church. Soon thereafter, Blas Salazar lost his entire fleet and life in a storm. Witnessing such a tragedy involving his father, Ramon decided to return the pearl to the beast, Manta Diablo. This decision did not find favor with Sevillano, who was determined to snatch the pearl. Though he successfully harpooned Manta Diablo in a subsequent battle, Sevillano was killed in the action as well. Finally, Ramon traveled back to La Paz and returned the pearl to the church.

Like wise, there are many dreamy stories centering on the black pearls that have been passed down the generations. The Asian countries like China and Japan have many legends on natural black pearls that are considered symbols of wisdom and source of mental strength. Historical records from Europe reveal that Mexican tribes, living in primitive huts along the sea-shore, possessed huge quantities of black pearls. On the other hand, the current records state that the finest collection of black pearls throughout Europe belongs to the Duchess Anhalt Dessau of Germany. Three large caskets of black pearls, that have taken a century to collect, remain in her custody. A stipulation is in force that restricts the heritage treasure of the dynasty to be sold unless the family is in dire financial constraints, an unlikely prospect.

The numerous legends and myths on black pearls are quite interesting and informative and will continue to intrigue many, since this particular gemstone has a mystical aura surrounding it that stimulates and entices individuals, especially women.

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