The coating of rhodium gives the gold its shine so that is why platinum has always the upper hand when compared. Platinum does not require rhodium polishing and is almost grayish white.
We are always torn on whether to buy an engagement ring in white or platinum color. Durability, look, sensitivity and price are usually a matter of choice.
Price- White engagement diamond rings are cheaper over platinum engagement rings. It is always a welcome to have platinum rings with precious gemstones especially diamonds. You can always go for rings that are made of white gold if you don't want to spend more. You cannot duplicate them, but they can surely look like platinum rings. You can choose from a plethora of choices and they are more affordable.
Style - It's no longer a tough task to find the perfect engagement ring. You can easily compare different prices, weight, gemstones and styles on different online jewelry stores. It is a possible option to have engagement rings designs in other metals besides gold and platinum.
Sensitivity - Some people are sensitive to gold due to the amount of nickel in it. Chemicals can destroy the white gold that is accumulated through use of everyday chemicals such as chlorine. It does not pose any reactive instances since Platinum is hypoallergenic. It is, in fact the only metal that can be used in its purest form.
Durability - White gold is pliable and a soft metal. The softer the metal is, the purer the gold. In other words, the purer the gold, the more malleable it is. There is no loss in platinum metal unlike gold which can easily be scratched. Scratching does not happen with platinum as it is with gold diamond rings.
It all comes down to personal preferences when choosing between white gold and platinum. The natural look of the platinum jewelry are preferred by some over plated gold jewelry. With white gold and platinum jewelry, prices can vary considerably, just select based on your style or budget.
People spend a lot of their time, effort, and finances in making sure they get that engagement ring that will blow away their partners as well as try to make it memorable for them.