Some of the common myths are:
We have often heard from our elders that we can clean our diamond rings at one only with different materials that can be easily found at one's home. While these myths may seem to be interesting and easy and something that one can do at home, but in reality they neither save your money nor time, in fact they harm the jewelry piece more in the long run. Some of those myths are discussed below.
Myth about using toothpaste - Many people suggest that the best way to clean a diamond engagement ring is by using toothpaste. They are of the opinion that one can use this paste and rub it with a soft bristled toothbrush to clean the metal and the stone. But in reality most of the toothpastes are abrasive in nature and can damage the stone by scratching it. Moreover the foam can get accumulated in the prong as well and leave your Simon G ring looking lifeless and dingy.
The Myth about Household Cleaners - there are many who will suggest the usage of household cleaners to clean the ring. But more often than not these cleaners contain toxic chemicals and other ingredients that may be harsh for your ring and can damage the metal making it lose its luster and shine.
The Boiling Water Myth - It is often recommended that soaking the diamond ring in boiling water will loosen the grime and dust and as such the ring will get clean. But it is not a very good idea and it is best to avoid this.
How to care for your diamond ring:
Caring for your diamond rings is very essential. A little bit of negligence on your part and the ring will gather dirt, dust and grime. But there is nothing to worry about; it is only a temporary thing. One can easily clean it. How? Take your ring to jeweler at regular intervals to clean it and to check that the setting is in place so that the stone does not fall off. Or one can use a polishing cloth to return the shine and luster of your rings.
So what are you waiting for, take the adequate measures to maintain the shine and luster of your diamond ring so that it can last a lifetime and be a matter of pride to you.

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